
Pastor – currently vacant

Secretary: Trevor Harvey
Mob: 0419 961 966

Chairperson: Geoff Wilson
Mob: 0427 998 565

Revive and Young Adults: Arlene Reyes
Mob: 0406 623 081

Or you may wish to contact the Church staff here.

Our Purpose

We believe that Jesus wants us to put our Christianity into practice by caring for each other and helping our community and world. We seek to make a positive difference for individuals within our community, caring in tangible ways that contribute to their wholeness. We welcome everyone regardless of background, and always strive to be friendly and caring.
Our activities are particularly designed for all the family, including children, young people and the young-at-heart … contemporary Sunday meetings with good Bible teaching, King’s Kids for the children, Revive for the young people and small groups meeting at various times during the week.
We are well connected into the local community, serving the community through our regular activities, as well as Christian Religious Education in schools, School Chaplaincy in local schools and Kid’s Hope mentoring in partnership with Yangebup Primary School.
Our vision is global, as we maintain active support and relationship with cross-cultural workers in Australia and in locations around the globe.

Our Mission

We gather in the City of Cockburn to worship God and to journey together following Him. We seek to live humbly and be a church where everyone is accepted, loved, served and serving. We strive to be faithful to God, and to share the acceptance, hope and healing we experience in Christ. We offer a certain hope to others because our basis is God’s unchanging truth – the Bible.
We move out to serve our community – to share the love, life and joy that Jesus brings.

Love | Life | Joy | JESUS

Our Basis of Faith

We believe in one God existing in eternal unity in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These being the same substance and equal in power and glory. We believe in the Deity and incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, who though He is fully God became fully man so that through His perfect humanity, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection and ascension we might become children of God and enter into the Kingdom of God.

We believe that God is love and that He has shown His love to us by sending His one and only Son Jesus Christ into the world that we might have life through Him. Therefore since He first loved us we are to love Him with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength and we are to love our neighbour as ourself.

We believe that Jesus Christ alone is head of the Church as He is Prophet, Priest and King. Therefore He is the sole authority in matters of faith and conduct in the life of both the church and the individual. This involves liberty of thought and conscience and the right and ability of both believer and church, freed from any ecclesiastical or other authority, and without the intervention of any person or ritualistic ceremony, to interpret His mind.

We believe that the Church is the company of all who have been born of the Holy Spirit and are formed into one body of which Christ is alone the Head. We believe the reality, personality and malignity of the devil. We believe in the fallen sinful and lost estate of all mankind and the consequent need for regeneration.

We believe that salvation from the penalty and power of sin is provided only through the atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ and His shed Blood. This provides for full salvation for all who are willing to receive it by repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in the need and the work of the Holy Spirit in convicting of sin, for conversion and for sanctification.

We believe in the personal return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment of all people resulting in everlasting divine fellowship and joy for believers and the everlasting punishment of the unrepentant. We believe in the divine inspiration and authority of the Scripture comprising both the Old and New Testaments.

We practice two ordinances: Believers Baptism – immersion of believers upon profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and a symbol of fellowship in His death, burial and resurrection; and The Lord’s Supper as a memorial of His death. We endorse the practice of infant dedication for Christian parents who desire to publicly acknowledge their thankfulness and responsibility to God for their child(ren).